ABC Asbestos is a unique asbestos claims handling tool

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A common feature of many present day mesothelioma claims is the low level nature of the alleged exposure to asbestos. Increasingly this raises 3 issues. Firstly, the level of exposure may have been so low that it is difficult for the claimant to prove there was exposure to asbestos at all. Secondly, if there is proven exposure then the level may be such as was regarded as 'safe' at the material time. Thirdly, any exposure may be so light and trivial so as to be considered de minimis and not materially contributing to the risk of injury.

Liability is becoming an increasingly live issue in mesothelioma claims. To help determine these liability issues BC Legal is launching its unique asbestos claims handling tool-ABC Asbestos.

ABC Asbestos allows you to quickly and easily determine:

  • the type(s) of asbestos fibres giving rise to alleged exposure;
  • 'daily exposure dose' to asbestos;
  • the industry guidance 'control limits' relevant to the time of exposure which may dictate 'safe' levels of exposure;
  • what common law and / or statutory duties apply to the employer / occupier;
  • whether there is a potential breach defence;
  • whether there is a de minimis defence;
  • whether a diagnosis of mesothelioma is valid;
  • whether the 'medical causation threshold' of exposure has been reached in a lung cancer and asbestosis claims.

Where potential defences are identified the tool will generate detailed and bespoke letters of repudiation fully referenced with supporting industry guidance and literature and case law.

The tool also includes:

  • an easy to use library of over 450 key documents including case law, legislation, medical literature and industry publications and guidance.
  • our other asbestos claims handling apps such as the Mesothelioma PLSA damages calculator and our Apportionment Calculator. A full damages calculator also follows in 2017.

ABC Asbestos

Sarah Jones

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